Nothing screams Happy New Year like a Southern California day at the beach in 75 degree weather! What a gorgeous week we have had!
My husband has taken up painting -- he used to be a painter of houses (interior and exterior). Now he is painting landscapes. He is teaching himself by watching a wonderful show by
Jerry Yarnell. It cracks me up; if you knew my husband you would know why. He is the "man's-man" if there ever was one! He is very traditional, very hard working, very mechanical and very logical. Yet he has discovered a love for painting. It relaxes him, and he really needed this outlet. So we have decided to take one day-trip a month with the sole purpose of taking photographs of places or things that he might want to paint. He gets to find wonderful subject matter; I get to enjoy a wonderful day visiting some place new. It is a win-win as far as I am concerned.

I was in charge of the camera today. This close up of the water was my favorite. I ended up taking 35 photos. I wonder which will be chosen for the canvas? I will keep you posted! If he lets me, I'll post one of his completed paintings. He really is getting very good.
Since I spent time in the sunshine today, I didn't stamp. Everyone goes back to work and school tomorrow, but I have a couple additional days off. I'll get some stamping done tomorrow. I have that calendar to plan!
Happy New Year everyone. I hope the 2012 brings you much happiness and love.